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Writer's pictureErin Booker

The Importance of Fall Parent Teacher Conferences

Updated: Nov 27, 2018

By now, most of parents have participated in fall parent-teacher conference. The reason for conferences early in the school year is because research shows that an effective parent-teacher partnership can make a significant difference in your child’s education, and the start of a new semester is an ideal time to refocus this partnership.

A parent’s well-planned involvement in a child’s education can make a big difference. Each parent-teacher conference is an opportunity to refine your child’s individual learning plan and to make sure the roles of teacher, student and parents are clear, specific and designed to bring out the best in your child.

More than likely, your child's teachers have spent a considerable amount of time preparing thoughtful, thorough, written summaries about your child. When you have time to read this report, I suggest that you identify areas of agreement and follow up on anything that needs to be clarified.

The “recommended goals” section probably include continuing to do things that already are working at home and at school, or it may involve restructuring routines or scheduling playdates. The goals section always include areas in which the teachers plan to challenge your child to grow.

Part of a good plan — especially if there are any serious issues being addressed — means scheduling a time to meet again to reassess progress and the plan itself. 

Your teachers are here to support and challenge your child’s growth and development. They look forward to partnering with you this school year.

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