“If all children are to be ready for school, surely all schools must be ready for children.... An effective school connects people, to create community. An effective school connects the curriculum, to create coherence. An effective school connects classrooms and resources, to enrich the learning climate. And an effective school connects learning to life, to build character.”-Loris Malaguzzi
​I have dedicated my career to the field of early child development This includes 30+ years of teaching young children and over 22 years of administering early childhood programs.​
I have always wanted to be a teacher. Around age nine, I visited a vacant store front that was owned by my dad. The tenant was setting a day care center, which was scheduled to open within a few months. I was awestruck by the idea that engaging environmental design can compel children to learn. Through my many years in the early childhood field, I hope to pass these values onto children and their educators:
Demonstrate kindness and respect to every living creature.
Always try hard and do your absolute best.
Never be afraid of mistakes.
Be open to the unexpected.
Stand up and speak out for the things that matter to you.
I believe that children learn these values through play. When children play, they draw on their past experiences - things they have seen adults do, what they have seen on television or have read about - to create games and scenarios. Free, open-ended play allows children to explore and discover, while at the same time developing their imagination and thinking skills. Through play, a child practices and masters social, cognitive and language skills.